The protesters argue that the agency put the cart before the horse, and agreed to settle Neptunes protest before properly determining that the promised sole-source award complied with CICA. Neptune currently provides eight of nine Legacy airtankers (this includes the two BAe-146 aircraft provided by Neptune for the 2013 fire season). [18] The settlement agreement specified that the contract to be awarded to Neptune would be the same duration as the NextGen contract awards (i.e., a 5-year base period with five 1-year options). Tr. [23] The ASA is USDAs Chief Acquisition Officer, and the SPE reports to the ASA. Specifically, the protesters argue that: (1) Neptune is not a vital supplier such that the large airtanker industrial base can be maintained without resorting to noncompetitive procurements; and (2)Neptune does not require a sole-source contract to remain a source of large airtankers. Address: 9047 6th Street Great Bend, KS 67530-9770 United States of America Telephone: 620-796-2130 623-293-2038 Email: AG-024B-C-14-9000, atB-1. at 700. Id. [5][2][4], Following the accident, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau announced that a team was being assembled from Perth and Canberra to investigate the crash. [39] The agency argues that it did not have to include the additional aircraft in the J&As description, inasmuch as these bilateral options would not be included in determining the required justification approval level as set forth in FAR 6.304(d). The NextGen RFP, issued as a small business set-aside, contemplated the award of multiple fixed-price contracts under seven contract line items (CLIN) for airtanker firefighting services on an exclusive-use basis. The protesters should submit their certified claims for costs, detailing the time expended and costs incurred, directly to the contracting agency within 60days after receipt of this decision. As the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of OTC Markets, the total compensation of R Coulson at OTC Markets is $924,940. [vital] supplier . All rights reserved. Neptunes Financial Stability - . 27.4 Years. See FAR 6.302-3. Both Coulson and Minden also point to the fact that the sole-source award to Neptune makes it less likely that the Forest Service would execute airtanker options under the competitively-awarded NextGen contract. Rather, the record demonstrates, as acknowledged by the agency, that Neptune is presently financially viable and is expected to remain financially viable through the term of its Legacy airtanker contract (2017). 41 U.S.C. FI also found that Neptune had based its revenue projections for the same period on the use of seven P2V aircraft, rather than six P2V and one BAe-146 aircraft (and the higher BAe-146 rates) as specified by the terms of the Legacy contract. [34] For this reason, the agency argues, the FI financial analysis, which did not look beyond a 5-year period, was not relevant or relied upon in the J&A. at 67.[4]. For example, our Office upheld a protest of a solesource award where an agency justified its failure to conduct a full and open competition on the basis that it had entered a settlement agreement promising the award of a contract in exchange for abandoning a threatened contract claim. As a preliminary matter, USDA argues that the Coulson and Minden protests should be dismissed because these protesters are not interested parties. AR, Tab 70, NextGen Contract Award Abstract, May 6, 2013. . See FAR 6.302-3; see also Lance Ordnance Co. Inc.; Martin Elecs., Inc., B-246849, B-246952, Mar. at79-80. Download VCard. [20] As a result, Neptunes total revenue projection for its Legacy contract only scenario was $157,043,792, see AR, Tab 23, RUS Financial Analysis of Neptune, June 26, 2013, at 3, while, as set forth above, the total price of Neptunes Legacy contract (as amended) was $185,212,800--an understatement of $28,169,008. FAR 6.302-2(c)(2). While the agency argues the fact that other contractors may have airtankers available to perform Neptunes contract to be irrelevant here, AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 52, we fail to see how the agency can reasonably find Neptune to be a vital source without accurately considering all sources. Agencies are provided, however, with authority to conduct noncompetitive procurements in specific limited circumstances. These assertions, however, ignore the possibility or likelihood of Neptune acquiring additional work over the course of the next 4years. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC; Minden Air Corp. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Theres no evidence to support the assertion that Neptune would not be able to meet an emergency need for aircraft. The fourth jet is awaiting delivery. T: (250) 724-7600 F: (250) 723-7766. 18, 2014, at 7. The FireLiner conversion is scheduled to be completed in May 2021 in time for the next fire season in North America. Today, the company's Coulson Aircrane aviation branch still offers helicopter logging but has expanded its ambitious mandate to include power line construction and forest fire suppression. See Ridgeline Indus., Inc., supra; Minowitz Mfg. in order . As set forth above, agencies are generally required to conduct procurements using procedures designed to obtain full and open competition. Options offered by the Forest Service to Neptune included: (1) adding two additional BAe-146 aircraft to Neptunes Legacy contract (beyond the eight large airtankers then being provided), AR, Tab 32, Forest Service Letter to Neptune, Aug. 26, 2013, at 2; and (2) offering Neptune a sole-source contract of such size that it could be approved below the level of the SPE (i.e., less than $62.5 million). 3304(e); FAR 6.302-3(c), 6.303, 6.304; Sabreliner Corp., B-288030, B-288030.2, Sept. 13, 2001, 2001 CPD 170 at5. [19] See FAR 6.304(a)(4). The company will do the same . T: +255 76 898 8640. Required fields are marked *. While it was conducting the NextGen large airtanker procurement, the Forest Service also awarded a number of Legacy contracts for large airtanker services. at 45. AR, Tab 40, Forest Service Email, Nov. 7, 2013, at1-2. 3304(a). Moreover, apart from Neptunes own unsupported statements and the anecdotal views of various agency officials, the record contains no analysis or evidence of Neptunes financial condition after 2017.[36]. Although the J&A documents the agencys belief that Neptune is, presently, a vital supplier of large airtanker services under Neptunes Legacy contract,[35] the J&A is devoid of evidence or analysis supporting the need to provide Neptune with a sole-source award for the firm to remain a viable source of supply. at 53. On 6 February 2023, at 12:08 pm, the aircraft involved took off from the Busselton Margaret River Airport on the first of three missions that day to respond to a fire near Hopetoun. In accordance with the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), 31U.S.C. Consequently, the SPE refused to approve the sole-source award to Neptune. Vertical and Vertical Valor are part of MHM Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved 2020 | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. at 107; AR, Tab 18, Neptune Settlement Agreement, June 6, 2013, exhib. Tr. The independent financial analysis subsequently performed by FI on behalf of USDA concluded that Neptune did not require the award of a sole-source contract to remain financially viable. The B737 FireLiner is capable of dropping 4,000 gallons (15,141 litres) of water or retardant while flying at maximum altitude and with no speed restrictions. It offers OTC Link Alternative Trading System, an interdealer quotation and trade messaging system; OTC Dealer, a real-time, front-end application that provides consolidated quotation, trading, and information system to attract and access market liquidity; OTC FIX, which uses the industry standard FIX protocol for quote submission, trading, and routing of execution reports; and OTC Link Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) that acts as the executing party on an agency basis in relation to transactions executed on the ECN's platform. However, changing its focus during the course of the protests, the agency has also argued that its actual concern is whether it could obtain sufficient NextGen airtankers for the 2014 fire season. These firms are building both capacity and employees skills. Coulson Aviation operates the only aerial firefighting fleet in the world consisting of both fixed-wing and Type 1 rotary-wing aircraft. Turns out they have put the Mars back to work. See AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 55. Agency Report (AR), Tab 143, Forest Service Large Airtanker Modernization Strategy, Feb. 10, 2012, at2. [22] The agency subsequently provided Neptune with copies of both the RUS and FI financial analyses reports. Accordingly, on June 21 the Forest Service informed the SPE of the settlement agreement that the agency had entered with Neptune, and requested that she execute a justification and approval (J&A) for the sole-source award. Similarly, if the protesters were to prevail in their challenge and the agency decided to meet its requirements by exercising options available to it under the NextGen contract, the protesters would be interested and eligible to receive such orders. [Forest Service] also has two firms on the legacy contract that can supply planes. Airtankers (of various sizes) are but one type of aviation resource used by the Forest Service to perform fire suppression missions; other assets include helicopters, aerial supervision fixed-wing aircraft, smokejumper aircraft, heat-detecting infrared aircraft, and water scoopers. Based on her review of all information, including the FI financial analysis, the SPE concluded that the planned sole-source contract award to Neptune for industrial mobilization reasons was not presently justified (Neptune didnt need a contract). & Engg Co., B-403561, Nov. 18, 2010, 2010 CPD 276 at 3; SSI Tech., Inc., B-298212, B-298212.2, July 14, 2006, 2006 CPD 183 at 4. Moreover, given the contract options available to the Forest Service under the competitively-awarded NextGen contracts, Neptune may no longer represent a vital source that must be maintained by the Forest Service after 2017. Neptune and the Forest Service had significant communications during the period between when Neptune learned it would not receive a NextGen contract and Neptunes receipt of a sole-source contract. Nine offerors, including Neptune, Coulson, 10 Tanker, and Minden, submitted proposals by the February 15, 2012, closing date. 4 C.F.R. The protesters argue that the sole-source contract awarded to Neptune, which was promised in exchange for Neptune's withdrawal of an earlier bid protest, is not justified. Although the Forest Services long term modernization strategy calls for 18-28 modern large airtankers, the Forest Service is currently dependent upon Legacy large airtankers to meet its needs. . See, e.g., AR, Tab 34, Forest Service Email, Sept. 10, 2013, at 1. [13] The FAM is the Forest Service program office that determines what aviation resources are needed to fulfill the agencys firefighting mission. See Hearing Transcript (Tr.) See also Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302-3. Its the GODs way of saying with 2020 & the Fires that the Martin Mars are meant to be made Fight Worthy and show the Flames how the Big Girls do it RIGHT!!!!! [25] AR, Tab 49, Neptune J&A, Dec. 9, 2013, at 1. Specifically, the record contains many letters and emails between Neptune and the Forest Service during this period, and reflects a number of conversations between Neptunes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Forest Services Director of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM)[13] and Director of Acquisition Management (AQM). Prior to OTC Markets Group, he was a trader and portfolio manager at Carr Securities Corporation, an institutional broker-dealer and market maker. AR, Tab23, RUS Financial Analysis of Neptune, June 26, 2013, at 1-4. Wildland Fire Management: Improvements Needed in Information, Collaboration, and Planning to Enhance Federal Fire Aviation Program Success, GAO-13-684, Aug. 20, 2013, at 6. We also recommend that the agency reimburse Coulson, 10 Tanker, and Minden the costs of filing and pursuing their protests, including reasonable attorneys fees. As noted above, no reasoned analysis has been presented to support a determination that a 9-year, sole-source contract was required to maintain Neptune as a source. Absent from the J&A, however, was any discussion regarding Neptunes need for a sole-source contract to remain a source of supply. Neptune then withdrew its bid protest (the parties settlement agreement was not provided to our Office). at 2; Tab 146, Neptune CEO Email to FAM, Sept. 23, 2013; Tab 147, FAM Email to Forest Service Chief, Oct. 4, 2013. Mr. Coulson is responsible for the Companys overall growth and strategic direction and has led the transformation of the company into an operator of regulated financial markets for U.S. and global companies. [2] AR, Tab67, NextGen RFP. In a post to Facebook, Coulson Aviation (USA) named captain Ian McBeth, first officer Paul Hudson and flight engineer Rick DeMorgan Jr as the aerial firefighting crew who died in the crash of the . Crocker Coulson is a 53-year-old Brooklyn resident, Yale graduate, former Fulbright scholar, father, and ex-husband. at 4. This will be the third converted 737 for Coulson; the first two are identified as T-137 and T-138. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. at 4-5. The USDA does not dispute that its consideration of a noncompetitive award to Neptune was motivated by its promise of a sole-source contract in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its bid protest and thereby ending the CICA stay that then precluded the Forest Service from fielding NextGen large airtankers for the 2013 fire season. See AR, Tab49, Neptune J&A, Dec. 9, 2013, attach. Tr. Servs., Inc., supra. AR, Tab 143, Forest Service Large Airtanker Modernization Strategy, Feb. 10, 2012, at 2. On May 6, the Forest Service announced its intent to make the following awards: AR, Tab 70, NextGen Contract Award Abstract, May 6, 2013. A global leader in aerial firefighting, emergency personnel transport and other industrial heavy lift operations. We will sustain a protest, however, where an agencys J&A fails to demonstrate that it is in fact necessary to award a contract to a particular source for industrial mobilization purposes. [32] While there is both documentation and testimony suggesting some USDA and Forest Service officials believed the sole-source award here was based on urgency (i.e., having enough large airtankers available for the 2014 fire season, see Tr. See York Intl Corp., supra; Department of the Army--Recon., B-237742.2, June 11, 1990, 90-1 CPD 546. CICAs overriding mandate is for full and open competition in government procurements, obtained through the use of competitive procedures. [15] The Forest Service had USDAs Rural Utilities Service (RUS) analyze Neptunes continued financial viability based on the information provided by Neptune.[16]. [36] Neptune and USDA reason that because Neptune currently has no contract in place for large airtanker services after 2017, this demonstrates that Neptune cannot remain viable after 2017. Our pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers, and logistics professionals are highly experienced individuals in the aviation industry. See e.g., AR, Tab 84, Forest Service Letter to Aero-Flite, Dec. 12, 2013. at 691, 696. [31] The USDA contends, citing to our decision in Merlin Intl, Inc., B-310611, Jan. 2, 2008, 2008 CPD 66, that a protester is not an interested party to challenge a sole-source award unless it can meet all of the agencys requirements at the time of the sole-source determination. at127-29, the agency decided not to override the stay. . Canada V9Y 8E9. Michael Strain is one of East Africa's most active corporate/M&A lawyers; based in Tanzania but also covering the wider region. [29] The J&A also stated that no other sources had expressed interest in this acquisition, but then acknowledged the agency had made no effort to solicit responses from any other sources before making its determination. The industrial mobilization exception to competition requirements may be used where an agency determines that it is necessary to award the contract to a particular source . at 691. File: B-409356.2; B-409356.3; B-409356.4; B-409356.5; B-409356.6. Matter of: Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC; Minden Air Corp. [28] See AR, Tab 49, Neptune J&A, Dec. 9, 2013, at 1-6. [16] The Forest Service believed RUS possessed financial expertise that could be of assistance. Within Tanzania he has a comprehensive corporate/commercial practice covering all aspects of non-contentious transactional . Its also the only large airtanker capable of carrying 63 firefighters to a fire without the need to reconfigure the cabin providing support, speed and flexibility to fires. Learn more about our Night Aerial Firefighting here. 16, 2013. . Missouri Mach. 3. 29 Sep 1995. Although the Forest Service had significant concerns about its ability to adequately respond to the 2013 fire season without the protested NextGen large airtankers being available, see Tr. Get both those planes back in the air and putting out the US Fires. In this regard, the agency maintains that it cannot tolerate any further delay in acquiring additional NextGen airtankers for the 2014 fire season. . at 52. AR, Tab 67, NextGen RFP, at B-1. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. Based on all possible aircraft, the total estimated cost of the sole-source contract actually awarded to Neptune is $496,211,590.[30]. Thereafter, the agency decided to take corrective action by reopening the competition. If the protesters were to prevail in their challenge, and the agency decided to meet its requirements by means of another competitive procurement for large airtankers, the protesters here would all be eligible to compete. According to data from, the aircraft climbed to 29,000 feet en route to assist firefighting efforts in the Fitzgerald River National Park. 001, May 15, 2013, at B-21. Thus, the agencys J&A inaccurately described the services to be obtained from Neptune on a noncompetitive basis. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC., B-406920 et al., Sept. 7, 2012. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. nature of the acquisition requires use of the authority cited, and [a] description of the market research conducted . Id. | Overview Coulson . The protesters contend that the sole-source award to Neptune was improper, insofar as the agency promised to enter into the contract in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its protests of the NextGen contract awards. AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 57. Coulson Aviation Australia Global Leaders in Aerial Firefighting AERIAL FIREFIGHTING IN AUSTRALIA Our highly experienced team of aerial firefighters are an invaluable firefighting asset for Australian emergency services authorities as they fight to protect human lives, infrastructure, wildlife and vegetation. Neptune currently has available and ready to operate two airtankers that meet the specifications of the NextGen contract. . at 466-67. Coulson Aviation @CoulsonAviation Global leader in aerial firefighting, emergency personnel transport, and heavy lift operations operating a fleet of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Accordingly, we recommend that the agency reassess whether a sole-source contract with Neptune--for industrial mobilization reasons or any other reason--is necessary to meet its needs with regard to large airtanker services. Tr. On November 26, the NRE Undersecretary recommended the award of a sole-source contract to Neptune. 3553(d)(3)(A), Neptunes protest triggered a stay of the NextGen contract awards pending our resolution of the protest. at 477-78; AR, Tab 36, AQM Director Email, Oct. 30, 2013. D, 2012 NextGen Contract Award Abstract. Foster Coulson of Coulson Aviation said, A brand new technology package will be installed before [the aircraft] go to work. The aircraft will receive upgrades to their cameras and mission systems, as well as new liveries. AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at34-54. Your email address will not be published. LouisA.Chiarella, Esq., and GuyR.Pietrovito, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision. In a subsequent meeting conducted by the SPE, RUS employees generally agreed with the FI findings and conclusions. First, the SPE and her staff familiarized themselves with the NextGen procurement and the Forest Services requirements for large airtankers generally. The companys latest 737, serial number N619SW, will undergo 43,000-man hours to complete the conversion to a FireLiner consisting of the gravity retardant aerial delivery system (RADS-XXL/2) tank, avionics upgrades, new interior with refurbished passenger seats and new paint in Coulson colours. The NextGen large airtankers are intended to replace the Forest Services use of Legacy large airtankers, which are generally much older, slower, and less reliable aircraft. By contrast, Neptune did not provide any detail with its cost projections to RUS, so it is unclear if fuel is included, or if government reimbursement is considered. Id. at 441, 451; AR, Tab24, SPE Email to AQM Requesting Additional Neptune Information, July12, 2013, at 1-2. 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